Hager Auditorium at Museum of the Rockies
The Hager Auditorium is located in the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, and serves our community with a wide range of functions including presentations, talks, performances and events. The previous sound system pictured at the bottom of this post required nine bulky and inefficient analog devices. They filled the 6′ tall equipment rack located in the control room at the rear of the theater. These nine analog devices were replaced with a single 3.5″ tall piece of gear. The new device provides audio signal routing, and digital signal processing and management. Mixing and control of the system is controlled by two wired touch screens and a floating wireless tablet. The floating tablet allows untethered control of the sound system from any location in the theater.
An Up-To-Date Control System
Digital, networked technologies and devices are providing exciting possibilities and performance enhancements at a tapering price point. At Poindexter’s, we strive to provide our clients with greater flexibility and ease of controlling a seemingly complex system. Most exciting for all, especially those in the audience, is a better performing, more musical, and more accurate-sounding sound system. We believe a sound system should sound natural. What goes in should come out of the speaker system, just louder.
In addition to up-dating the control system in the theater, we added two wired touch screen interface devices. One is located at the podium on the stage, and one is inside the control room. The programming goal was to make the system easy enough for a non-technical user to walk in and use without having to read an instruction sheet. The larger wired touch screen provides more detail and deeper levels of control for the sound system. “Preset Snap Shots” will allow the theater to accommodate a number of different set-ups for a multitude of uses. When things do change, the system can be quickly reprogrammed to grow and adapt.
Room For Growth
A provision for making audio recordings was provided in the control room, as well as the ability to monitor audio from the theater with a set of monitor speakers. Because of the modest size of the auditorium and it’s association and proximity to Montana State University, the theater often reaches capacity crowds. We envision a day when spill over crowds or late arrivals may be accommodated in the lobby of the museum via a digital audio/video feed from the theater. Montana’s often unpredictable and extreme weather conditions may necessitate streaming and archiving performances within the auditorium to be enjoyed anywhere and at any time via the Internet. The new control system installed within the auditorium is poised to make this digital dream a reality.
Meyer Sound and Further Investments
The new system is comprised of a pair of Meyer Sound UPA-1P speakers carefully mounted and aimed, providing even coverage to every seat in the house. We hope to add a Meyer subwoofer extending the lower frequency range of the sound system taking this room to the next level of quality sound reproduction. An investment in a subwoofer would add depth, emotion and excitement to music played within this auditorium. Testing of potential subwoofer placement locations took place during the initial installation. Acoustical treatment mounted on the walls to decrease flutter echo would be a valuable investment in the future as well. The speaker system and the digital audio/control system may continue to evolve as well, improving over time as budgets and needs provide.
Applicable Links
Rental information for the Hager Auditorium: www.museumoftherockies.org/about-mor/facility-rentals/facility-rental-spaces/
QSC Q-Sys Control System: www.qsc.com/systems/little-billy/
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